Sunday, September 18, 2016

Football Season Is Here

I'm not a football fan and I'm definitely not a TV person, however TC loves football and he loves watching TV.  I wish I liked and understood football, but I'm not sure I could sit still and watch TV for that long. I'll watch a movie once in a while and I do watch the news for about 15 minutes a day.

TC is a Baltimore Ravens fan but he watches most all of the football that is on TV when he is home. When football season is here and he is comfortable on the couch, all I want to do is cook and bake. I love my kitchen and I enjoy cooking. One of my favorite things to cook is chili and baking homemade bread. After cooking and baking we have leftovers.  With both of us working retail, leftovers are nice to have. Some days I'm working nights and he is working days and vice a versa.

With the cooler weather, Jodie and I are taking some long walks. My Jodie girl sure is getting old, but she is still my walking partner.  I love walking in the neighborhood that we are living in, we have sidewalks and alleys that are nice for walking.  Jodie has lots of "doggie friends" she can stop and talk to for a bit during our walks.
Here is a picture of Jodie and Jacob, taken a few weeks ago. They are watching "Mickey Mouse".
This past summer started out very wet and cool but ended up unusually hot and dry, it's still a little on the warm side for the month of September. I'm not much to complain about the weather, I like it warm and toasty. We use to live in Mexico and the hot weather here does not compare to the heat and humidity we had there.
I do like the fall here, I like the smells, the crunchy leaves under foot, the colors, the sounds of the geese flying over and the little bit of the cold bite that is in the air. I do not like winter as much. I don't think I would mind winter if I didn't have to drive to work everyday. Driving in the snow unnerves me something like white knuckled hands on the steering wheel fearful. Thankfully the job were I work understands that, and for that I'm grateful.
Enough about talking about the cold dreary winter, I have a few glorious months of wonderful fall to enjoy.
Thanks for reading,

1 comment:

  1. I guess I'm slowly turning into a football fan, as I'm starting to enjoy the season as well.
